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Psychotherapy services offered in Greenwich, CT

When you have a psychiatric disorder like depression, psychotherapy can be invaluable. Experienced psychiatric nurse practitioner Margaret Miller, DNP, LMSW, Kara Grayson LCSW and Paroma Mitra MD, MPH and the team at Greenwich Avenue Psychiatry in Greenwich, Connecticut, recognize that improving well-being often starts with exploring the patient’s mind and personal experiences, which can take various forms. The team is experienced in multiple evidence-based psychotherapies and ensures they develop a tailored approach to meet your unique needs. Call Greenwich Avenue Psychiatry today to learn more about psychotherapy. You can also request an in-person or telehealth consultation online.

Psychotherapy Q&A

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy supports your recovery from mental health conditions, optimizes incurable psychiatric disorder management, and helps you overcome challenging life experiences.

Psychotherapy takes numerous forms. What they all have in common is spending time with a skilled therapist. Greenwich Avenue Psychiatry offers in-person consultations at comfortable, calming offices and secure online telehealth visits.

What kind of psychotherapy will I need?

The talk therapy approach likely to work best for any individual depends on various things, including the condition, symptom severity, the patient’s age, and their environment.

Psychodynamic approaches explore the subconscious mind and your early life experiences. Behavioral therapies use structured methods that focus on specific problems and how to manage them in daily life.

Methods Greenwich Avenue Psychiatry uses include:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

CBT is among the most well-used therapies. It teaches you to identify negative, mistaken, and harmful thoughts and actions and alter them. CBT can be invaluable for tackling problems like anxiety.

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

DBT uses CBT principles specially adapted for people with very intense emotions. DBT aims to help you understand and acknowledge challenging feelings.

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

ACT is a mindful form of psychotherapy, helping you focus on the present and accept your thoughts and feelings without judging them. ACT enables you to process difficult emotions and avoid dwelling on negative issues so you can devote your energy to healing.

Narrative therapy

Narrative therapy separates you from your problems so you can express them instead of suppressing them. It also shows you how to take advantage of your skills and focus to guide you.

Interpersonal therapy

Interpersonal psychotherapy focuses on improving current relationship problems with friends, family, and co-workers.

Insight-oriented psychotherapy

Insight-oriented therapy encourages people to analyze and comprehend how past events negatively influence their current feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.

Cognitive training

Cognitive (brain) training enhances attention and performance by using activities to improve functions like memory, problem-solving, concentration, decision-making, and processing speed.

Greenwich Avenue Psychiatry also uses complementary treatments like mindfulness to support improved mental health. The team takes a holistic approach that considers how physical activity, nutrition, and supplements can affect your mental health.

They may also recommend medications for more severe and/or persistent symptoms, including ketamine-assisted psychotherapy for depression.

Call Greenwich Avenue Psychiatry to learn more about psychotherapy’s benefits or request an appointment online today.


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