
Women’s Health

Accepting Telehealth Patients in New York and Connecticut

Women’s Health

Women’s Health services offered in Greenwich, CT

Women experience numerous mental health challenges related to their reproductive health. Kara Grayson LCSW, and the team at Greenwich Avenue Psychiatry in Greenwich, Connecticut, understand the emotional problems women face and offer compassionate advice and treatment. They help women with a range of issues, including postpartum depression, infertility, and pregnancy loss. Call Greenwich Avenue Psychiatry to see how you could benefit from a women’s health consultation or book an in-person or telehealth appointment online today.

Women’s Health Q&A

What women’s mental health problems does psychiatry treat?

Because of the hormone fluctuations women experience throughout their reproductive lives, mental health problems are common. Those that Greenwich Avenue Psychiatry diagnoses and treats include:

Postpartum depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety often affect women after giving birth — some experience a few days with the “baby blues,” while others have persistent, disabling symptoms.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

PMS affects some women at the same stage of their menstrual cycle each month.

Menopausal depression

Menopause happens in midlife when your body reduces female sex hormone production. Depression is a common symptom alongside hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.

Postpartum psychosis

This severe psychiatric disorder causes women to experience hallucinations and delusions after childbirth.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

PMDD is a severe type of PMS affecting women during their menstrual cycle.

Greenwich Avenue Psychiatry also helps women affected by conception and pregnancy problems.

What women’s health conditions present during pregnancy?

The journey to motherhood is complex and can be emotionally challenging. Some women experience fertility issues, being unable to conceive within a year of trying (or six months if they’re over 35). This can cause frustration, relationship problems, and feelings of failure.

Fertility treatment can also be stressful and exhausting, especially when it involves advanced interventions like in vitro fertilization (IVF). The emotional rollercoaster of hoping you’re pregnant every month and the disappointment when you get your period can be overwhelming.

During pregnancy, some women receive an adverse in-utero fetal diagnosis. Their baby may have a developmental condition like Down syndrome, a hole in the heart, or other disorders affecting their health. Sometimes, conditions threaten both mother and baby, and parents have to make life-changing decisions.

Miscarriage is common, especially in the first trimester, and some women experience stillbirth. These devastating losses can severely impact a woman’s mental health.

What help is available for women’s health problems?

Greenwich Avenue Psychiatry takes a compassionate, holistic approach to women’s health issues.

The team’s specialized staff ensures that patients receive expert care and support during significant life transitions. They’re committed to helping women and their families:

  • Manage psychological strain
  • Develop resilience
  • Find emotional balance
  • Achieve their reproductive goals
  • Enjoy better mental health

The women’s health specialists work closely with the team’s psychiatrists, who have considerable experience in reproductive psychiatry.

For more information on the women’s health services available at Greenwich Avenue Psychiatry, call the office or book an appointment online today.